To celebrate us moving in to our new office we have decided to make it even more of a no-brainer to scrap your boats with Boatbreakers this summer. We’ve slashed the price of scrapping by 30% to help you get rid of that unwanted boat once and for all.

Unfortunately, we still can’t avoid the transport costs and the fees for putting the waste material into landfill but where we could trim the costs we have! We understand that sometimes it can come as a surprise to some boat owners at the price for disposing of an old yacht or motorboat but with our new office up and running at our yard we now have the space to chop even more end of life boats.

If your quote comes in at over £1500 we now will accept your payment over 12 months. This’ll mean you will barely notice the cost of getting rid of that unwanted or unloved boat.

So don’t waste another year of mooring fees on a boat that won’t see the water again, take us up on our summer offer and have peace of mind that you you’ve dealt with the boat in a responsible way.

Try our Scrap Calculator