Coronet 24 Disposal

The Boat breakers team were tasked with collecting a Coronet 24. The Coronet had been stripped and abandoned in a local marina. After looking to try and sell as a project the marina decided to scrap. All of the electronics and engines gone, to be honest the boat was left in a sorry state.

We could see that the previous owners had stripped the boat down of anything of value. The marina team told us that previous owner had intended to try and fix the boat up to live on. This isn’t an uncommon route for many of the old boats we deal with but this would have been a real task to get ship shape. Usually the costs of repairs, storage and then transport are what kill these projects.

Trouble Selling a Project

When our team jumped on board there was nothing that was worth saving for re-sale. All of the metal was set aside in our scrap pile but that’s about it in terms of value. She would have been a nice boat in her day. If the engines were in her we are sure they would have had no trouble selling a project Coronet 24.

Usually a marina will look to sell a boat on even for a nominal sum to shift it from their yard. However as this one needed so much work just to get it into the water the chances were slim. Plus there is also the guarantee that they can clear the boat and get another paying customer in its place.

At the time of writing we also have another abandoned boat to be collected from the same marina but a collection date is yet to be set. Like the Coronet the abandoned yacht is in a terrible state with nothing worth saving on board. Most abandoned boats are stripped of any value long before the owners choose to dump them.

Lonely Boats

If you are a boat yard or a marina and have abandoned boats on your property then get in touch. Just use the Scrap Calculator and we can work out a price to clear the boats. The good news is we can help if they’re too nice to scrap! Our new Lonely Boats page is set up to share boats that are just a bit forgotten and unloved but are still worth saving. To keep up to date with what we get up to join our Boat Scrapyard Facebook Group.

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