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Small Boat Collection

A small boat collection provided a nice morning out for the team last week. Small boat collections are always fairly straight forward as it’s relatively easy to winch them onto our trailer.

No boat is too small to avoid our attention. An insurance company called us and asked us to collect a small boat that has sunk but then been recovered. It was now on a slipway in Noss Mayo (Devon) and they were worried that it would be washed away on the next tide.

Early Start

Our team cleared the next morning’s schedule and set off early to beat the tide. The boat collection had to take place before the tide was due in at 10:30am. The early morning traffic was kind and we made it to Noss Mayo before the tide could complicate the situation.

The boat was easy to manhandle into a more accessible position on the hardstand. Once the trailer and boat were aligned we hooked the winch cable onto the front. We left the boat at an angle temporarily so that the water in the hull could drain. This would have just meant excess weight to carry back with us if we hadn’t.

It took less than a minute to load the boat as it was fairly light. Plus with a roller trailer boat collections are always easier.

Long Drive Back

After strapping the boat down the boat collection was complete. It was now time for the long drive back to Gosport. Unlike the morning’s journey to Devon, the roads were now much busier on the route home.

Eventually, the team made it back and unloaded the boat back at our Gosport Base.

Scrap Your Boat

If you have a small boat that you think is end of life. Or maybe it’s just been sat in your garden for years and it’s time to make some space. Just use our Scrap Calculator to get your free no-obligation quote.

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