Next time you visit a marina, boatyard, canal or even just a harbour see how many boats you see that you think are end of life. Every boatyard and marina in the country will have a scrap corner that houses the boats that are just about still being paid for. The owners may be paying the bills but the sad reality is the boat will probably never see the water again and they’ll be next to no chance of it being sold.

Those boats that are left out on moorings to the elements will often be blown from their moorings in the winter storms. That’s when you’d hope the boat owner has insurance but often this isn’t the case. Some people may come into money troubles or personal difficulties and the first thing that they want to walk away from is the boat. Britain’s canals and rivers are littered with abandoned boats.

Most of the time the cost to store a boat for the year can far outweigh a boat’s value and if the boat has trouble being sold the situation can seem like a costly downward spiral. Having to pay storage fees for a boat that has lost her value and won’t sell is a regular story we hear from boat owners. This is also a reason people lose interest and walk away from boats leaving boatyards and councils to clean up the mess.

However, if your boat is at the stage where you think she’s seen her last season and you want to avoid the expensive mooring fee renewals give us a call. Our fees for collecting and disposing of the boats are almost always cheaper than a year’s storage.

You will simply have to pay the bill and sign over responsibility for the boat and we will make the arrangements to remove and dispose of her. This is also a beneficial service for other boat owners and boatyards alike. As it frees up space and moorings for boat owners that get regular use out of their boats.

Below are a selection of images that we have taken throughout the year of the different end of life boats we see around the country.