Garden Clearance Boat Disposal

Boats that end up in our boat scrapyard aren’t always coming from marinas and yards. The boat disposal team are frequently called to help clear boats from gardens and private property. These boats are usually smaller and on trailers. But they often present more challenges as they’ve been in place for so long.

We have collected scrap boats in the past that have literally began to sink into the garden, or even the driveway. Tyres and trailers are typically seized or falling to bits. The owner may have got the boat into the garden easily enough but getting it out again is a different matter. Garden boat collection also present challenges with access. Unlike a big boat yard we can’t always send our Hiab truck to lift the boats away. Walls, Hedges, Trees, and Overhead wires can all prevent us from loading.

Rotten GP14

Our latest boat from a garden was a rotten GP14 sailing dinghy. This one has clearly rotted through and then dried out. When we turned up to load the boat into our trailer most could be done by hand. We always enjoy taking apart rotten wooden boats as they come apart so easily. With GRP it’s a different story and it puts up a real fight. Within a matter of minutes we had this GP14 chopped up and in the trailer. Her rusty steel trailer was also snipped in two and loaded on top.

The owner now plans to press on with her plans for some home and garden renovation. Now the old boat is gone she has plenty of room and access into her back garden.

Boat Disposal Team

If you have an old boat rotting away in your garden why not get in contact. Our boat disposal team will work out the most cost effective route for you.  To see previous scrap jobs or to keep in touch, subscribe to our Youtube Channel or join the Boat Scrapyard Facebook Group.

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If we think the boat will sell rather than scrap we will help you sell her. Failing that we can then clear the unwanted boat and help you reclaim some space. Just fill in our Scrap Calculator to start the process.

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