Boatbreakers are on Instagram!

Published On: June 2nd, 2016|By |Categories: News|Last Updated: June 28th, 2022|
Boatbreakers are on Instagram!
Boatbreakers are on Instagram

It’s been a little while coming but the Boatbreakers team are finally on Instagram. We will try to post lots of pictures of all the interesting things that come through our scrapyard in Portsmouth as well as all the remote places we have to get boats out of. If you like boats, yachts, antiques, old cars, old bikes, wildlife and much more then Boatbreakers is definitely worth a follow!

If you see something on Instagram that you like, remember everything is for sale! Whether you need parts, props or maybe a feature piece for the garden we will be happy to give you a price for any item.

It won’t all just be old boats being crunched up, we will try to showcase the impressive machinery that does the job, some of the wildlife that calls our yard home and of course one of Portsmouth’s most recognisable landmarks the giant Canute crane which can be seen stood next to the entrance to the city by the M275 motorway.

Written By: Luke Edney

Luke completed a journalism degree in Brighton University and fortunately for us uses this in his communications, Facebook posts, Tweets and emails to tell all our enquirers and followers what we are up to. Without Luke we would be lost, he runs the office, keeps us organised and is like a terrier and never lets a tricky boat disposal job go un-photographed or Tweeted about.

He also manages all of our enquiries passing them to whoever in the team is the best suited to deal with it. We are teaching Luke how to drive a motorboat or sail a yacht so while he’s learning we suggest you keep out of the Solent!

When he’s not at work he’s a massive football fan (his Dad used to play for Portsmouth FC years ago) and seems to know everything there is to know about any player, anywhere. Next time you ring and he answers, think of a tricky football trivia question and ask him

Date Published: June 2, 2016

Last Modified: June 28, 2022

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