Abandoned Boat in Poole Yacht Club

Published On: October 14th, 2022|By |Categories: Abandoned Boats, Portfolio, Scrap a Boat, Scrap a Yacht|Last Updated: November 18th, 2022|
Abandoned Boat in Poole Yacht Club

Abandoned Boat Disposal

The boat disposal team were in Parkstone Yacht club in Poole to collect an abandoned boat. The yacht had been sat untouched in the yard for a number of years. As you can see from the pictures she wasn’t in great condition. The boat yard team decided to take ownership of the yacht so that they could clear the space.

Our boat disposal collection team did have a slight issue with our first attempt at collecting the boat. When the pictures were first sent over it was a lovely sunny day. However due to the shade created under the yacht we couldn’t see the small keel poking out. We thought that the abandoned yacht would sit nicely on our roller trailer.

Second Time Lucky

On the actual collection day we immediately noticed the keel and knew it would be an issue. Luckily there was another smaller boat that we had been asked to remove too, so it wasn’t a total wasted journey. The dinghy was loaded by the team and we got on the phone to our Hiab driver. We fixed a date for the larger yacht to be collected for disposal and the marina were happy with the plan.

It’s very rare that we have this kind of situation where we can’t collect a boat as planned. It was caused due to some unfortunate shading on the pictures. Although we’re sure that once the yacht club rent out the storage space for the next season they will make the scrap costs back.

This is always the situation boat yards need to consider with abandoned boats. All the time the owner is paying they are happy to let them fade away in the corner. But when the owner stops for any reason they are soon left to pick up the bill to dispose of the unwanted boat. Usually the boats are so far gone that there is very little chance of selling the boat on.

Scrap or Sell Your Unwanted Boat

Our responsible boat disposal solution for old boats gives marinas peace of mind that these problem boats won’t resurface.

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If you have an old abandoned boat that you need to scrap just fill in our Scrap Calculator.

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Join Our Facebook Group

Finally if you think your boat might still have some life left in her, why not list her on our Boat Scrapyard Facebook Group.

Written By: Luke Edney

Luke completed a journalism degree in Brighton University and fortunately for us uses this in his communications, Facebook posts, Tweets and emails to tell all our enquirers and followers what we are up to. Without Luke we would be lost, he runs the office, keeps us organised and is like a terrier and never lets a tricky boat disposal job go un-photographed or Tweeted about.

He also manages all of our enquiries passing them to whoever in the team is the best suited to deal with it. We are teaching Luke how to drive a motorboat or sail a yacht so while he’s learning we suggest you keep out of the Solent!

When he’s not at work he’s a massive football fan (his Dad used to play for Portsmouth FC years ago) and seems to know everything there is to know about any player, anywhere. Next time you ring and he answers, think of a tricky football trivia question and ask him

Date Published: October 14, 2022

Last Modified: November 18, 2022

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