Monterey 270 Lonely Boats

Our new Lonely Boats page has another great project boat available to buy. This boat is literally in her current condition because she was a lonely boat for the last few years. The Monterey 270 was bought brand new back in 2009 by her current owner. She was used regularly up until around the first covid lockdown. From there on in she’s had very little use and sadly her engine back had slowly filled up with rain water. This rain water sat around the engine has effectively made the engine a write off.

The owner had started to make an effort to get the boat back in shape. With an external polish and engine/leg off to be checked. However the mechanics soon found that the Volvo Penta D4-260 engine is a write off. Too many parts needed replacing, and even if they were there was no guarantees there wouldn’t still be internal failure. Luckily the outdrive is in good working order still. So the owner was left with a decision to make.

Buy, Sell or Scrap

He had three options, buy new engine, sell as a project or scrap. Once we had seen the boat in person we advised the owner that this boat shouldn’t need to be scrapped. We did work out a disposal price which was less than another year’s storage. But we were all safe in the knowledge that this wouldn’t need to happen.

If the Monterey 270 owner had chosen to buy a new engine it would have cost around £30k. He would then try to sell the boat on at market value to recoup his costs. Of course there is no guarantee that the boat would sell. He could be stuck with the ongoing costs to store the boat which he uses sparingly.

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The third option was to try and sell the boat as a project. To reflect the fact that someone will need to put a new engine in her. This way the owner might make just as much but not have to put 30k down to do so. We both agreed that a Lonely Boats advert was a good first step. Our Boat Scrapyard members love project boats like this. We will be amazed if there isn’t someone who wants to take her on.

If you are interested in making an offer for this Lonely Monterey 270 in Gosport just fill in our form. Our team will then put you in contact with the owner.

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