Boat Scrapyard Group Reaches New Milestone

Our Boat Scrapyard Group on Facebook has gone past 16,000 members. When we started the group back in March 2020 we had no idea that it would grow so well. We expected people to be interested in what we get up to but we have been pleasantly surprised by the community that has grown in the group.

The initial aim of the group was to showcase the boats we had coming in. This would mean that as a boat came in we would have a list of parts to remove for our group members. However in March 2020 when the first lockdown was announced, overnight most of the jobs we had lined up were cancelled.

Competitions, Giveaways, Quizzes, Polls & Discussions

This meant that we had no boats coming in and therefore the group couldn’t fulfil its purpose. To keep the group growing we arranged competitions and giveaways. There were also quizzes, polls and discussions. All of which helped the group to grow even with limited boats being showcased.

As the lockdown restrictions eased and boats started to come in we were surprised by how well boats and boat bits sold to our members. We helped lots of members get cheap recycled boat bits or a cheap project boat.

Always Someone Looking For Parts

When the current lockdown ends, hopefully in Spring 2021, we hope to deal with more boats in the group. We aim to not waste a single part on any boats we have in as we know there is always someone out there looking for it.

Another pleasing fact about the milestone of reaching 16,000 members is that we have chased down and caught some bigger groups. There were two or three groups that when we started had many thousands of members. Slowly but surely we have been clawing away at the benchmark they were setting. Finally we have surpassed their member totals.

Next Aim 20,000 Members

The next main aim is to reach 20,000 members. Not for any other reason that it’s just a nice number to target. Hopefully as more boats start to come back in more members will flood into the group and realise it’s a great place to source boats and boat bits. If you are already a member please invite your boaty friends to join. And if you haven’t joined yet, what are you waiting for?

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